Task Order Process
A Teammate's responsibilities specifically include actively promoting the development of task orders to be brought to the Seaport-e contract. Information on each potential task order is requested to be sent to the INDUS point of contact, Tony Lopez, tlopez@industechnology.com after posting on the Seaport-e home page. These identified leads will be registered and tracked by the INDUS Management Organization (IMO). Work will be awarded to the Teammate who first identifies, markets, and brings work to the contract; provided that INDUS determines this Teammate is qualified to perform the work. INDUS will maintain records of task assignments under development and will attempt to identify and resolve any potential situations where individual Teammates appear to be pursuing development of essentially the same task assignment. In these cases, INDUS will encourage the Teammates to partner together to successfully win and perform the new task. Conflict situations will be addressed in separate discussions between INDUS and the affected parties as required. If Teammates cannot agree on task assignments, INDUS will resolve the conflict by reviewing each party’s position concerning the conflict. The INDUS decision will be final.
INDUS Technology and its Teammates understand that the Seaport-e contract can be marketed to all offices and organizations within the Navy Virtual SYSCOMs and other participating activities. It is INDUS’s intent that all Seaport-e Teammates may market work in all Seaport-e task areas. Performance of work on resulting Seaport-e task orders will be determined as discussed in the paragraphs below.
In the case of existing or “rollover” work, INDUS agrees that any current Teammate contract work that may be placed on this contract will continue to be performed by that Teammate after award to INDUS, subject to satisfactory performance and customer acceptance. INDUS will apply quality control and program management oversight, as necessary, to any such “rollover” tasks to ensure continued high performance.
INDUS and Seaport-e Teammates also understand and agree that new work under this contract may be generated in one of several ways:
- Either the client will contact INDUS to initiate an un-marketed sole source or competitive task; or
- A Teammate may successfully market a sole source or competitive task to a potential customer that may or may not require resources from other Teammates; or
- A Teammate may independently identify and market a task.
In the first case (1), INDUS will assign responsibility for performance of the task based upon the required core competencies, availability of qualified resources and satisfactory performance of INDUS and all Teammate(s). In the second case (2), INDUS will work with the lead Teammate(s) on the task as requested to identify resources from across the team, if necessary, to perform the task. In the third case (3), of Teammate successfully marketing a task, Teammate will be entitled to performance of the task LOE subject to (a) a determination by INDUS that Teammate is qualified for the task, (b) satisfactory performance and approval by the customer, and (c) INDUS’s overall management in the areas of quality control, program management oversight, billing and financial control. It is understood that any Firm Fixed Price (FFP) task orders will require more INDUS participation and management than will be required on other types of task orders.
In all cases it is important that Task Order intelligence such as: identification of any incumbency, is the customer happy with the current work being performed, is there a favorite contractor, do they know any members of our team, has any pre marketing been done with the customer, etc. be gathered and provided to the INDUS IMO. Certainly this kind of information would be advantageous to our team in bid preparation.